You can install and load tab from GitHub via the following code:
The main purpose of tab is to create neatly formatted summary tables for papers and presentations. The following functions are included:
prints a GLM summary table to the RStudio
summarizes generalized linear models (GLM’s) fit
via glm
or survey::svyglm
summarizes generalized estimating equation
models (GEE’s) fit via gee::gee
summarizes Cox Proportional Hazards models fit
via survival::coxph
or survey::svycoxph
compares variables across two or more groups,
e.g. to create a “Table 1”tabmulti.svy
does the same thing as
but for complex survey dataTo summarize a fitted generalized linear model, simply call
as you would glm
. The result will be a
formatted summary table printed to the RStudio Viewer. Here’s an example
for logistic regression:
From here, you can “snip” the summary table and save it as a figure (as I did for this README) or copy directly from the Viewer and paste outside of R.
For more flexibility, see tabglm
. That function lets you
control things like what columns to present, how categorical predictors
are presented, and so on.
You can use tabmulti
to summarize variables across two
or more groups, using a formula interface. Here’s an example:
The functions all return kable
objects, so they should
work perfectly well in R Markdown and knitr documents.